Mirrorless Vs. DSLR For Beginners

This article will help you make a much easier decision if you’re attempting to decide between mirrorless and DSLR cameras. For photographers of all skill levels, both mirrorless and DSLR cameras provide a variety of special advantages. As you’ll see below, it’s getting more difficult to suggest one type over another.

I’ve used Mirrorless and DSLR cameras professionally for several years, and despite their advanced age, I occasionally suggest them. To make the best decision, let’s examine the mirrorless versus DSLR comparison in more detail.

Mirrorless vs. DSLR

➢ DSLR Cameras

DSLR Camera

DSLR cameras have a body made of digital technology that lets light pass through a single lens and strike a mirror, bouncing the light either up or down into the camera’s optical viewfinder. The mirror swings up and out of the way when you press the shutter.

Once the shutter has slid open, light from the lens travels directly to the imaging sensor, where a picture is taken. DSLR cameras have a wider variety of lenses, more durability, better ergonomics, longer battery life, optical viewfinders, and no shutter lag with specific benefits.

➢ Mirrorless Cameras

morrorless camera

A digital camera without a reflex mirror is called a mirrorless camera. The imaging sensor in a mirrorless camera is constantly exposed to light and lacks an optical viewfinder. The EVF (electronic viewfinder), which is frequently an LCD screen on the rear of the camera, provides you with a preview of the image.

Mirrorless cameras are superior for video and are more compact, lighter, and faster. Additionally, they are more affordable and have unique features like focus peaking, silent shooting, and electronic viewfinders in place of optical viewfinders.

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Difference between mirrorless and DSLR

  • Size & Weight
  • Battery Life
  • Viewfinder
  • Price
  • Image Quality
  • Lenses
  • Shooting Speed
  • Video Quality
  • Image and Video Playback

❖ Size & Weight

When regards cameras, weight and size are always crucial. The more lightweight the cameras, the better, as you will typically be utilizing them in scenarios where you will probably need to move around. One of the main benefits of mirrorless cameras over a DSLR is their portability. Another is the significantly less body weight.

  • Although most mirrorless lenses are lighter than DSLR lenses, this isn’t always good.
  • The bigger and heavier of the two cameras are the best option if you often use large lenses since it would be much harder to balance a weighty and lightweight lens.
  • The DSLR is unquestionably the victor in terms of value for your money.
  • Yet accessible for a fair price is a DSLR camera with basic to intermediate capabilities and various functions.

❖ Battery Life

For photographers who spend much time out in the field, mirrorless shortcomings in this area remain a major drawback. Smaller batteries directly result from smaller mirrorless camera bodies, and since the sensors in mirrorless cameras are always on, the battery life can be quickly depleted. Although they are not expensive, extra batteries are an additional hassle.

❖ Viewfinder

To some extent, which system you prefer determines which viewfinder is better. The image displayed in the viewfinder of a DSLR represents the actual image being captured by the lens. The DSLR’s internal mirror bounces the image upward into the viewfinder.

The viewfinder image is produced electronically because, as you might have guessed, the mirrorless system lacks that mirror. This mirrorless viewfinder technology has the benefit of reflecting the image while considering ISO, the shutter speed, white balance, and other in-camera settings, even though the procedure is not as straightforward.

❖ Price

Cameras are an expensive purchase. The DSLR is the clear winner in terms of value for the money. A DSLR camera with entry-level to mid-level capabilities and various features is still available for a reasonable price.

  • Low-cost mirrorless cameras will all have a subpar resolution, no viewfinder, and meager battery life.
  • On the top end of the range, where photography is more sophisticated and professional, mirrorless and DSLR cameras are comparable.

Whether you choose a mirrorless or DSLR, you get nearly the same features, power, and performance, and the budget range will be similar.

❖ Image Quality

Due in part to the fact that both mirrorless and DSLR cameras can utilize the most cutting-edge full-frame sensors currently available, both types of cameras can produce stunning images. After all, the primary determinant of image quality is sensor size.

Both cameras can produce high-quality images, but neither has an advantage over the other in autofocus, low-light shooting, or camera resolution. In a controlled setting, you might compare the image quality of two identical mirrorless and DSLR cameras and find that it is roughly equivalent.

  • If the only factor influencing your choice were sensor size, a DSLR would be the better option.
  • Remember that both have the same common camera sensor sizes, including Four Thirds, 35mm full frame, APS-C, and even medium format.

The image quality of a DSLR with an APS-C sensor and a mirrorless APS-C camera will be similar in most cases, and the same is true for full-frame DSLRs and their mirrorless counterparts.

❖ Lenses


As DSLRs have been around the longest on the market, it goes without saying that they offer a larger selection of lenses to pick from. If accessing a broader variety of lenses is crucial, a DSLR is now the best choice. But, as mirrorless cameras become more and more common, their lens selections are catching up.

Olympus and Panasonic already provide an expanding selection of lenses for Micro Four Thirds format cameras. Users of mirrorless cameras can purchase adapters from the manufacturer’s store if they need to utilize DSLR-sized lenses. Nevertheless, doing so may have an impact on a number of your mirrorless camera’s features, including:

  • Focal point
  • High-quality zoom
  • Slowing down the autofocus

more details: 24mm Vs 35mm Camera Lens

❖ Shooting Speed

The size, capability to capture images in low-light conditions, and auto-focus abilities of a camera all affect how simple it is to use it in the field. Here, it isn’t easy to distinguish between mirrorless and DSLR cameras.

  • The advantage in size that mirrorless cameras have is waning as entry-level DSLRs get smaller.
  • Bulky lenses frequently make the distinctions between both two designs less obvious.
  • However, mirrorless is the way to go if you want the smallest system possible.
  • Regarding autofocus and low-light photography, DSLRs have traditionally held the upper hand.
  • However, mirrorless low-light slayers like the Sony a7S III have started to challenge this.

Mirrorless cameras now have unmatched autofocus speeds due to significant advancements in mirrorless autofocus technology. On the other hand, DSLRs continue to be better at autofocusing on moving targets, which is important for photography of wildlife or sports.

❖ Video Quality

Every camera can record video, but the difference between the two will be in the level of video quality they can generate. Although many lenses are available for DSLRs, only expensive DSLR models can produce 4K or Ultra High Definition videos. Mirrorless cameras have an advantage because they can generate images of such quality even with certain affordable versions.

❖ Image and Video Playback

Despite their differences, DSLRs and mirrorless cameras both have a middle ground. There is no apparent winner in this contest between DSLRs and mirrorless cameras for image and video playback. Both have standard 3-inch LCDs, which are big enough for consumers.

Because of its back touchscreen display’s ability to tilt, it offers a modest advantage over other mirrorless cameras. Higher-end DSLR models have articulating screens, ideal for taking and viewing pictures and films. Users of mirrorless and DSLR cameras can see their photographs on a computer or television via HDMI output.

DSLR issues guide: Why is my DSLR camera screen black?

DSLR Cameras Pros and cons

dslr camera

Following a brief comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of mirrorless and DSLR cameras, we’ll delve deeper into each type. Let’s start by focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of DSLR cameras.


  • Longer battery life
  • A larger selection of lenses
  • Generally faster autofocus, but also narrower


  • Large and bulky
  • Slow shooting rates
  • Only higher-end DSLRs are capable of recording in 4k or Ultra HD.
  • Of course, not all DSLR cameras are created equal, and using a different brand or model will yield different results.

Mirrorless Cameras Pros And Cons

mirrorless camer

Let’s now focus on the disadvantages and advantages of mirrorless cameras. Remember, we’re only covering the essentials here.


  • Lightweight, miniature, and compact.
  • They have fewer moving parts and are quieter than conventional cameras.
  • With no mirror flicker, there is no camera shake.
  • Reliable video mode.
  • Inner-body balancing.
  • While a DSLR’s viewfinder cannot be utilized in video mode, the electronic viewfinder can. Also, even though most mirrorless cameras are of low quality, high resolution is integrated into most of them.


  • Battery life, but it’s improving!
  • Ergonomics (tiny, maybe too little for somebody with huge hands)
  • Minimal lens options (again, improving! Although it’s a good point)
  • In low-light situations, an electronic viewfinder has limitations.


What features should a novice consider while purchasing a camera?

The Top 5 Considerations when Buying a New Camera

  • Superior image quality to your camera phone.
  • Ergonomy that is suitable for your hands.
  • A size that is appropriate for your habits.
  • Lenses that fit your demands now and in the future are available.
  • Your budget allows for the newest model.

DSLR vs. mirrorless: which is superior?

If you don’t mind the size and require a camera body with quick and accurate autofocus and an optical viewfinder, a DSLR is the right choice. Mirrorless cameras are preferable if you desire a small, light camera body with such an EVF and have time to spare in low light.

Do mirrorless cameras provide higher-quality images?

Mirrorless cameras don’t have a mirror mechanism; thus, their image stabilization and photo quality are improved. Moreover, because there are fewer internal moving parts, they are quieter and more covert. Compared to DSLRs, mirrorless cameras’ sensors are smaller.

Compared to DSLRs, are mirrorless cameras sharper?

A lot better. Mirrorless cameras use image stabilization because optical viewfinders make cameras bulkier, more expensive, and more complex.

Why are mirrorless cameras more popular?

Both cameras have extremely high shutter speeds that enable them to quickly take a burst of photographs. Because there is no mirror on mirrorless cameras, taking several photos is simpler. As a mechanical shutter delivers better results, mirrorless cameras use one that raises to expose the image.

Is a DSLR still a worthwhile investment?

DSLR cameras still have a position in the market. The size of a DSLR and a mirrorless camera is one of the most obvious contrasts. Due to the intricate mirror systems inside, DSLRs are much heavier and larger than mirrorless cameras.


Mirrorless may be the front-runner for novice enthusiasts when selecting the best camera. It is significantly less terrifying than a DSLR because of its less complicated features, smaller size, and a user-friendly touchscreen interface. The DSLR vs. mirrorless camera argument is significantly diminished by evolving technology. As a practical alternative, I’ll always rely on preference, although mirrorless cameras might overtake the market. So it depends on your needs or requirements, which suits you better choose that one!

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